There is a lot more you can do with (new) Lingerie...
Substitute them for a tie

Wear them on the head
Wear them.

Put them on the parents heads
Allocate fairly to each other by colour and pattern and play with them
Make Mamma wear them when she is blissfully asleep.
Hahahaha, Itchy your kids are definitely creative! :D
I love the last pic the most :)
so cute...
HA HA HA Just wait till they grow up and check out your blog :)
this is for keeps and future blackmail which will involve threatning to show these pics to girlfriends!! :p
ps: nice lingerie!! :p
haha... i can see the future... the twins trying everything to lose these photos :)
they'll kill u for Love the pictures :)
One day you are going to be threatened for publishing these pics :) But for now, they look totally naughty and adorable in 'em.
and where was this purchased? ;0 just so i can note it down
ROTFL!!! You sure got a good one to blackmail them in the future!!
hey all- thanks
inder- long time no see?
ibh- globus
where are the last 3 photos ? Why embarass only Ojas and Tejas ? I demand justice.
minka- never took them!!
Oooo! Your twins are so going to hate you when they find these a few years down the line!
But seriously...hilarious and adorable!
And btw...loving he bedspread!
Can't stop laughing! Lovely pics - and it goes to show that kids don't need gazillion toys. Bas chaddi baniyaan hi kaafi hai :D
Way too cute. Save the pics for future blackmail when they are teenagers. I remember when I was about the twins' age my best playmate was a little boy and he had come over to our house to play. He went to use the bathroom and came out with my mom's bra over his head and strapped under his chin and the cups over his ears. He asked my mom "Do you like my helmet?"
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