1. Ojas tells me “move” in exactly the same tone I use when I fall on the way
2. If I am angry, Tejas points at his cheeks to pacify me (like I make him show “chubby cheeks” to distract him when he is throwing a tantrum)
3. They call us “babaaa” exactly how we call them.
4. When I am not paying attention to them they say ‘kakka’ with a sly smile, their term for potty, to get my immediate attention
5. If I withhold their toy (clothes clip/ lotion bottle) or milk bottle they open my cupboard to pick up a random object belonging to me.
6. They don’t allow me to receive hubby’s phone and go to him saying “Phooon”
7. Ojas hit hubby when he was scolding Tejas
8. Though I mentioned this before, this factor should grace this list- Ojas trying to diaper me.
9. Both applauding us with claps and appreciative “aaaa” when we put the jigsaw puzzle correctly.
10. Both trying to force feed me with snacks and enjoying themselves immensely if I refuse to open my mouth yet they manage to overpower me in the end.
11. Ojas reminds hubby to put the seat belt for him when he sits in the car.
2. If I am angry, Tejas points at his cheeks to pacify me (like I make him show “chubby cheeks” to distract him when he is throwing a tantrum)
3. They call us “babaaa” exactly how we call them.
4. When I am not paying attention to them they say ‘kakka’ with a sly smile, their term for potty, to get my immediate attention
5. If I withhold their toy (clothes clip/ lotion bottle) or milk bottle they open my cupboard to pick up a random object belonging to me.
6. They don’t allow me to receive hubby’s phone and go to him saying “Phooon”
7. Ojas hit hubby when he was scolding Tejas
8. Though I mentioned this before, this factor should grace this list- Ojas trying to diaper me.
9. Both applauding us with claps and appreciative “aaaa” when we put the jigsaw puzzle correctly.
10. Both trying to force feed me with snacks and enjoying themselves immensely if I refuse to open my mouth yet they manage to overpower me in the end.
11. Ojas reminds hubby to put the seat belt for him when he sits in the car.
reminding your hubby to put on his seat belt is really amazing. And trying to diaper you - is so cute. And the sly kakka.....is out of this world...
haha.I am so jealous. One req please, I can never make out which one is O and which is T although i have a sneaking suspicion the chocolate boy is T!
so precious!!
so cute!
Whoa, Tejas and Ojas are quite the happening 'uns! Hope you have some control of the house by the time they're ten! :D
Ummm...hi. This is Suki's friend. She be a huge fan of mommy blogs and I think you already know which ones she frequents. And may I add that this is very well written blog.
Well, this is a suggestion for the comics widget in ur side-bar. Suki was telling me you want it to display better.
If ur using a code that has been copy pasted, u can use [embed] to introduce a set of scroll-bars. BY simply putting the code in between [embed]&[/embed] it can be done(i have used the square brackets to avoid clashes with the comment form).
Otherwise, if the widget has its dimensions defined, u can resize it by using different dimensions which are better suited to you sidebar. But plz refarin from making the sidebar any wider, or else it might break the float and alignment.
If you mail me the code I can try and make the adjustments for you. Or else you can just leave it as a comment which I won't publish.
regards - The lost_poet.
He he.. u ain't seen nothing yet! Try a recent post on Sayesha's blog to know what REALLY awaits u.. www.sayesha.blogspot.com
the last one is the best! :)
Hehehe! Simply hilarious.
:D Yes, they surely have the tables turned!
usha- u r right. in the banner-it is tejas first & then Ojas alternately thru out. in the pic on the sidebar, the blue one is tejas
"Ojas trying to diaper me."
That is hilarious!
You are getting off too easy with the food stuffing program. When they are a little older, we will teach one to hold you in place while the other stuffs you :P
They are becoming big boys right?Here's to tell you that you've been tagged.That is if you haven't done it already.
I am impressed.. mother of twins and yet you blog regularly. I have only one and I'm struggling to survive...
Before you know, they start teaching you, eh? :)
#7 and #8 were cute and hilarious. :)
Awesome, what's that saying, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? They're already practicing to be good parents.
I loved this - "Ojas hit hubby when he was scolding Tejas". This is so like me and my sis. Even to this day, we always support each other even when we might be wrong ;)
The other day KT was being naughty and my husband kind of smacked her. Without even thinking, I ran up to him, smacked him myself and told him not to hit KT. Can you imagine? I was so ashamed of myself later :(
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