I am given to understand that it means having the power to network. Well, I am touched. The comments have been coming slow and I have been slow on responding to posts on other blogs and moderating the comments on my post, yet she finds it a potentially networking hub. She empowers me to pass the badge and I do it to-
MM's Cheeky Tag
My one liner to encourage those who are worried about life after babies-
My one liner to encourage those who are worried about life after babies-
"It is easy to feign innocence (even) when there is a houseful of people and you both are locked inside your room on the pretext of making the babies sleep- the tell tale signs whatsoever could be attributed to the babies anyday."
Can't pass on this tag as MM has already done it to most of you. But whoever has not, please do it.
Middle Name Tag
Hip Hop Grandmom & ArtNavy tagged me with this. I would modify it and use the letters of my blog ID and mention some words that come to my mind as suiting my description, disposition, likes and dislikes by that letter.
I- Initiative, love to Invite people home, India Proud (using the variation of the word House proud to force fit)
T- Talkative, Treehugger, Tempermental
W- Witty Wisecracks, Workshops rather than conferences or lectures, Wordgames, Believe in Willpower
B- Bookworm, Braingames
I tag anyone who wishes to take it up. Specifically,
Visitor... cheeky look on my face, let's see you reveal yourself
Ooooh Itchy, thanks! You be ze kool yourself!
And I love the matter in the middle name tag. Solid, no frills - quite like you. :)
Thank you ITW. That is indeed very sweet of you.
Now what do I have to do? Just display it on my blog?
I'm flattered!Thanks ITW:)from a fellow bookworm and lover of braingames and wordgames I do think we have lot in common:)
gently ITN..am so flattered but have done this already..
I'm trying to do something - give me time.
I might reveal myself to you in person - now that you have Duggi. ;)
Awarded again :) Please check my blog :)
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