When I posted passing thoughts in the beginning of the month, I talked about the waiting game.
So yes, the valve got unplugged and the waiting game did get over. I received my Nokia N8 and what a phone it is. A 12 Mega Pixel camera which we happily used without removing the film and since conviction is more important than the proof that we see- we swore by the picture quality inspite of being mildly sceptic, until we got round to removing the thin plastic film covering the lens of the camera. Inspite of being black, it looks sexy. But let me hastily add- not $exier than the orange one- J from Nokia, are you listening?! In another news, the husband has appropriated the phone without so much as a by your leave, the moment he came to know of a certain mail from Nokia. More surprises due! Now I have to wait for the weekend when the weekend husband arrives and I can lay my hands on the phone to review the OVI feature.
And I was waiting for a few more things to fall into place and while there is still some loops to be closed and the most important one that too, I am still happy that it progressed.
I recently got a review copy of Chanakya's Chants by Ashwin Sanghi, much to my delight. Thanks Kiran. I have already started reading it and it is the kind that makes you want to turn to the last page to sneak peak into what really happens in the end. Very contextual. I am eager to get to the end of the book.
Feb was really packed. We had a fun filled holiday with lots of work to do. And I made some much coveted and treasured purchases - including saris from Manmandir, Chennai- my favourite Sari shop. The good part is that these saris are unique. And they have class. I only wish I wore saris more often to justify the price. Take a look at one of them- a never-before-seen-by-me-anywhere-tussar with warli art. I have seen madhubani tussar but never a warli tussar. I fell in love with it at first sight as I was entering the shop. Clutched at it and never let it go even as I was making the other purchases I really came for.

I talked of the Universe conspiring. Yes, I attended the annual day- nothing was there to stop me. What they say be careful of what you wish for. I wished so badly for it that I got to attend it - fingers crossed. A proof that one doesn't know what is going to happen the next moment. I was to go to Singapore for a conference on Sunday afternoon. I was miserable that I would not be attending the Annual concert. Wednesday morning, I counted some foreign exchange lying with me to add to the cash I would take with me. I spoke to the school teacher checking if they are doing a dress rehearsal before the actual event so that I could take a sneak preview. And I come to office and get to know that I cannot travel. My passport expires in less than 6 months. The travel agents had told me that they would get me an emergency visa inspite of the 6 month problem, and they were unable to do it. Therefore I am not travelling. I was livid for a couple of days - I was so looking forward to going and the workshop was really supposed to be fun, but then suddenly, since yesterday, I feel at peace. Perhaps my kids are after all more important to me than foreign travel as I always thought! Maybe if it had been any other country I would have been down in dumps. But it does not hurt so much because it is only Singapore- where I have been to so often. May be this was the anti jinx the month needed because a lot more important stuff is supposed to happen in March.
Including a visit from the dear school friend NS! And the much awaited bonus which as a matter of fact I have already spent. And the Nokia surprise, not to forget. And the new book from Jeffery Archer which incidentally Indiaplaza is offering at just Rs 150 - the lowest so far- I have pre ordered mine. Have you?
So my dear readers, do do pray for me. I need all the prayers, all the push of good luck, all good words to the power above and lots and lots of do good vibes my way. Pray that all goes smooth for me!
And while we are on the topic of the passport... even tatkal takes a month to materialise- one goes online, fills the form, gets an appointment that may be 1 month away, then apply and wait for atleast 1 week to 15 days to get your renewed passport back. So ideally the travel agent should have instructed me in December to go for renewal instead of asking me to hold back.
Boo hoo hoo, I was so looking forward to the shopping 0rgy, eating, and what nots. And even though I have made my peace with it, everyone around me seems to be tch tching that so sad you are not going, it is going to be a lovely program, you are missing it. I start feeling sorry for myself even though I am not so much sorry for myself in reality. The Singapore colleague so endearingly said - I am so bummed you are not coming, that I felt like crying! Sob.
This post was drafted for 28th and due to some major problem in blogger my blog vanished and the post did not appear.