Ojas being the fashionista he is, he would approach each day with the singular thought- shall I wear jeans right now?
Slowly, I have begun to notice that no matter what he is doing, whether he is half asleep or in the middle of a game, if I tell him, Ojas lets change dress, he jumps up immediately and rushes to his cupboard to look for the best possible combination of jeans and shirt. Not only does he select for himself but also for Tejas.
Even if he needs to change for the night, he approaches the task with great enthusiasm- getting a coordinated set for Tejas also.
Moreover, Ojas loves jeans on anybody. Everytime the husband wears a jeans, Ojas will ask- Dadda, where did you buy this?
So here I present, my fashionista pair, Tejas who often keeps his goggles perched on his head like he has seen Mamma do, and Ojas in his pair of jeans.

handsome.. ojas esspecially with his pose..
The twins look super jhakaas!!
Piki needs to learn from your boys.
Every morning he will argue for a "muscle shirt" (sleeveless) and shorts!!
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